The Digital edition of ScoopUSA is available online only and provides a myriad of information that affects Black and Brown communities throughout the Nation. This publication allows Scoop to expand its platform to focus on the issues that affect our communities in their entirety. Too often, we share the narrative that the issues that black and brown communities are faced are not relegated to one community, but they exist in all communities in which black and brown citizens live. With this in mind, ScoopDigital allows us to share this narrative so that our readers understand that their challenges are not just theirs alone, and that other communities are dealing with similar issues, and together we can find solutions.
Hope and Help After Storms
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Scoop USA Digital
Obama's callout to Black men touches a nerve among Democrats. Is election-year misogyny at play?
Mortgage company will pay over $8M to resolve lending discrimination allegations
Attorney General Henry joins $52 Million multistate settlement with Marriott for Data Breach that impacted millions of Starwood Guests
Keep the faith
Supreme Court tosses out decision letting 18-year-olds carry guns during emergencies in Pennsylvania
Donald Trump, spreader of conspiracy theories, needs to get out of the way
Treasurer Stacy Garrity and Senator Bob Casey: PA ABLE Savings Program Surpasses $135 Million in Assets
“God be with you till we meet again”
Treasurer Stacy Garrity announces Major Milestone for Keystone Scholars
Billy Crystal and Spike Lee take their places at the Hall of Fame as basketball superfans
ScoopUSA Black History Corner
The Winning Game • The Game of Respect